Hiring a Podcast Manager Stress-Free

April is Stress Awareness month and we understand the importance of keeping stress levels as low as possible. While stress has its time and place, like “[motivating] people to prepare or perform”, as National Today states.

It can also be quite debilitating, as noted just after the above quote, as those under stress are more likely to suffer “from headaches and insomnia to high blood pressure and heart disease.” Stress can contribute to many more physical and mental issues than what was mentioned above.

Because of this, it is important to take the time to create a stress-free environment for yourself, here are our tips for hiring a podcast manager stress-free. 

So What?

Re-visiting National Today’s article on Stress Awareness Month, it is noted that there are 5 common factors;

  1. Money

  2. Work

  3. Family

  4. Economic Outlook

  5. Relationships

Podcast production usually involves a minimum of 2 out of the 5 factors listed, if not all of them! To protect your health it’s important to do what you can to diminish the stress of creating, hosting, and producing your podcast. One such option is, hiring a Podcast Manager. See our blog post on “Should I Hire a Podcast Manager?” to see if this is the right step for you! 

But wait, that puts another task on your plate and you’re worried that might cause more stress? We get it! That’s why we’ve done some of the work to make hiring a podcast manager as stress-free as possible.  

Where to Start

As mentioned our blog “Should I Hire a Podcast Manager?” goes into depth on this topic. To start we suggest you sit down and look at your budget! What can you afford? Be honest with yourself, As mentioned above money is a lead cause of stress so we don’t to exacerbate this. As your podcasts grows you may be able to allocate more to outsourcing but start where you can.

Secondly, what do you want to outsource? This can be what you don’t have experience/knowledge of, what you don’t enjoy, or what takes too much time. This is unique to you and is what ever will help create a stress-free environment. Take the time to write down what you’d be willing or even excited to outsource and create a list in order of what would make your show more stress-free. Think, “If I can afford one thing, I would outsource X. If money allows me to outsource more, I’d include Y and Z,” etc. 

How To Hire a Podcast Manager

Do some research and find podcast managers who specialize in your niche and/or specialize in what you want to outsource!  You can find a lot of information on the internet but even better – ask your podcasting friends! If they don’t have a podcast manager of their own, chances are they’ve come into contact with one. Hiring someone from referrals tends to be the most stress-free route. 

That being said, depending on how you get connected with potential podcast managers – gather their portfolios + examples for review. If you already connected with someone who employs them you can discuss their work with that individual. Either way, hearing from a friend or finding other clients/work examples is important in making sure that they will create a stress-free environment and that you will work well with each other. 

Regardless of how you come in to contact with a potential podcast manager, we suggest setting up an informal conversation to get to know each other, learn more about how they can help you, their general timelines, and any other scope of work. We offer a free discovery call, you can learn more about our services and set up one here

After doing your research and meeting with potential podcast managers, depending on the podcast manager’s system, you may get a proposal and then you approve, begin the onboarding process, and get started working together to create a stress-free podcast!

Make This Process Stress-Free

We understand that this will add more to your work load for a period of time while you are searching. In the end, it will help you become stress-free. But we don’t want this process to give you a headache or keep you up at night! Some things that can help make the search stress-free:

  1. Look for podcast managers that fit your needs. If you have a certain niche you want to experience or have a show that needs someone knowledgable on the topic – don’t waste time reaching out to podcast managers who clearly don’t fit your needs.

  2. Make a list of all the tasks you need to do. Think, what do you expect to be done with the tasks you are outsourcing? With that list include notes that will help the podcast manager understand what you want done. Including expectations you will have. Starting off with clear communication can make the process more stress-free as there will be no confusion once you begin working together. 

  3. Here are some resources to make finding a podcast producer easier:

    1. Golden Goose Creative (Us!)

    2. Podcast Group Hire form again

    3. Upwork

    4. Use your network! Ask your podcasting friends who outsource – nothing like word of mouth. 🙂

Let's Hire a Podcast Manager Stress-Free

As Stress Awareness Month begins, we challenge you to take a step back and look at what is causing you to stay awake at night. Prioritize your mental and physical health and ask for help! There are podcast managers for every niche and hiring one might just make the difference and create a stress-free workload for you. Additionally, this may allow you to be more creative with your show adding new sources such as videos, you can learn more about how to do this in The Podcast Haven’s “Step-by-Step: How to Make a Video Podcast”. 

Reach out any time! If our services don’t cover what you’re looking for, we may know another podcast manager who does!


P.S. We hope these tips help you hire a podcast manager stress-free, if you are looking for more podcasting tips and tricks check out our blog.


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